展览  布莱恩•贝略特( Brian Belott )个展  返回

布莱恩•贝略特( Brian Belott )个展



    “我一直很喜欢那些被遗弃的具有考古意义的资料,那些不是重大事件留下的东西,也不是展出来的东西,而是某个人在看歌剧时丢失的笔记本。”——加文•布朗( Gavin Brown )

    11月15日,Gavin Brown’s enterprise将在GBE举办布莱恩•贝略特( Brian Belott )个展,这是这位艺术家在GBE举办的第二场个展。




    展出的作品还包括《芥菜画》(Selected Mustard Drawings)、《杂烩夹克衫》(Ch-ch-ch-chowder Jackets)、《淋浴画》(Shower Drawings)、艺术家的书籍,以及各种将荒诞装饰与文明形式主义融合在一起的绘画、拼贴画和油画。

    布莱恩•贝略特自诩为“弃物大师”。他在旧货商店和99美分商店里搜寻材料,通过绘画、拼贴画和表演等方式巧妙地利用这些材料,为平庸的日常生活注入新的活力。他的作品曾在众多国际著名的画廊和机构展出,如:纽约的Gavin Brown’s enterprise、White Columns、现代艺术博物馆、CANADA Gallery、犹太博物馆;底特律现代艺术博物馆、里奇菲尔德的奥德里奇博物馆、圣艾蒂安市的现代艺术博物馆。贝略特最近的个展包括2016年在伦敦蛇形画廊和2017年在纽约Performa 17画廊的个展。目前,贝洛特的作品在阿姆斯特尔芬眼镜蛇博物馆的“An Unstoppable Force”和上海余德耀美术馆的“艺术家此在”展览上展出。2019年1月,贝略特将在纽约的White Columns举办一场展览,展出儿童教育家、学者和艺术家罗达•凯洛格( Rhoda Kellogg )的作品。这位艺术家1973年出生于新泽西州东奥兰治,目前在纽约布鲁克林生活和工作。

    “I’ve always liked the lost archaeological data, stuff that is not the main event, not the top of the box, but just someone’s pocketbook that fell during an opera.”  – Brian Belott

    On November 15, Gavin Brown’s enterprise will open a solo exhibition of Brian Belott, the artist’s second show at GBE.
    A main feature in the exhibition will be Belott’s never-before-exhibited frozen artworks – compositions of commercial grade ultra-color derived from the detritus of a culture of consumption. These works, made from store bought materials embedded in solid H2O, are installed in industrial freezers throughout the gallery.

    Other series by Belott, such as Puuuuuuuuuffs, will also be on view. The works are over-stuffed paper sandwiches, bursting with thick cotton batting, handmade and found objects – such as box fans and blow dryers, all switched on throughout the duration of the show.

    Additional works featured in the exhibition will include Belott’s sand and rock encrusted calculators and remotes. Belott gives these moribund technological gadgets new life – erasing their original functions and transforming them with extracts from the earth into talismans filled with potential magic.

    Selected Mustard Drawings, Ch-ch-ch-chowder Jackets, Shower Drawings, artist books, as well as various drawings, collages and paintings that blend decorative absurdity with cultivated formalism will also be on view.

    Brian Belott is the self-appointed “Master of Discard.” He scours thrift shops and 99 cent stores for materials to manipulate through paintings, collages and performances that breathe new life into the banality of everyday existence. His work has been exhibited internationally in galleries and institutions such as Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York; White Columns, New York; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; CANADA Gallery, New York; The Jewish Museum, New York; MoCAD, Detroit; The Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield; and Musee d'Art Moderne, Saint-Etienne. Recent solo performances include those at the Serpentine Galleries, London (2016) and Performa 17, New York (2017).  Belott's work is currently included in the exhibitions An Unstoppable Force at the COBRA Museum, Amstelveen and The Artist Is Present at the Yuz Museum, Shanghai. In January 2019, Belott will curate a show featuring works by child educator, scholar and artist Rhoda Kellogg at White Columns, New York. Belott (b. 1973 in East Orange, New Jersey) lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.