展览  50个月亮  返回


    Van Art Space荣幸宣布,将于2018年1月19日推出新年群展《50个月亮》,以呈现六位艺术家(崔绍翰 、黄靖杰、亓文章  、应歆珣、于艾君、周铭)的精彩作品。材料媒介涵盖了纸本、油画、纤维、影像和摄影,试图在drawing 和painting 、写实与抽象、材料和材料之间探索出相关逻辑及关联性,折射出当代艺术的视觉多元及丰富感官,因此也牵连出他们何以从不同路径讨论艺术的模样。《50个月亮》取自艺术家崔绍翰的影像作品,借此为题,是想要传递出创造力带给我们的无限、诗意、温暖及其他诸多可能。在人对感知经验极度迟缓的今天,这六位艺术家,一定程度激活了思维的身体性、图像与文字的互涉、时空、情感诉求等。可以说,艺术与“美”有着天然联系,可我们更希望当代艺术能让我们找回人文诉求中被不断缺失的东西。或许他们的创造,推动和提醒了我们内在感受到的某种不适,但这种不适将促进自我感知,也是“肉身成道”最重要的开始之处。在新年伊始,Van Art Space做这样的展览,希望是对空间所秉持的艺术方向上的一次梳理和总结。在这几位具有代表性的艺术家身上,找寻空间和艺术家不断精进、努力、互济的理由,从而反映出艺术生态的现在和未来。
    It is the great honor of Van Art Space to declare that “Fifty Moons”-a new year group exhibition will be presented on January 19,2018, at that time, the great works of artists Shaohan Cui, Jingjie Huang, Wenzhang Qi, Xinxun Ying, Aijun Yu, Ming Zhou will be exhibited. The material contains paper, oil painting, fibre ,video and photography , they are trying to explore the relevant logicality and relevance between drawing and painting, realism and abstraction as well as material and material, the visual diversity and the rich senses in contemporary art are reflected, therefore, how they discuss art from different ways is also presented. “Fifty Moons”is a photograph work of Shaohan Cui, by the theme, the aim is to deliver much possibilities like limitlessness, poetry and warmth from creativity. Under the era when people are extremely slow in the perception of experience, the six artists, to a certain extent, have activated the physical nature of thinking, the interaction of images and words, time and space, emotional appeal, etc. It can be said that there is a natural link between art and beauty, we are in great hope that contemporary art can help us get back the missing things in humane pursuit. Maybe their creation would drive and remind us of some kind of discomfort that we feel inside, but self-perception would be propelled by such discomfort, maybe this is the most important origin of “excarnation”. At the beginning of the new year, Van Art Space hopes to sort out and summarize the art direction it has been upholding by hosting such a exhibition. From these representative artists, to find the reason why Van Art Space and the artists continue to improve, strive and help mutually, in this way, the present and future of the art ecology can be reflected.
    The exhibition lasts to March 4th.